2024 Events and Evening Meetings

Tuesday, 20th Feb

Committee Meeting
(as postponed from Tue 9th Jan)

Wednesday, 21st Feb

Annual General Meeting
(as postponed from Wed 17th Jan)
Immediately after our AGM we have a talk about Bicycle Engineering: Past, Present & (Possibly) Future.
Our speaker hails from the most prominent cradle of bicycle engineering in our country, and in talking with him it was clear that he was indeed an Apprentice in that very cradle ....🙂
Looking forward to meeting you at these two meeting.
I will prepare agendas for both meetings and circulate the AGM meeting's programme to all of our members.

Saturday, 25th May, to Monday, 27th May.

Our last exhibition of the year at The Durrington Village Show and Vintage Vehicles.

Wednesday, 19th June

The Wright stuff
Richard Lee will be telling us all about the Wright brothers

Wednesday, 3rd July

Group outing to Beaulieu
The main attraction is of course the National Motor Museum, but there are a lot of other attractions which account for the rather stiff entry price of £27 (for the over 60's, but £3 cheaper for the under 60's).
(More details to follow)

Wednesday, 17th July

The 'Picnic'
This evening is when we have our annual dinner (aka "Picnic").
Dave Murray is organising this event.

Advance Notifications:

In August the Hall has further improvement work to be done, so we are not able to use it.
However, in September we will return to normal 3rd Wednesday working up until Christmas......and beyond into 2025 !